Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Three Thematic Maps

India's Flag

  • What are Thematic Maps?

Thematic Maps are designed to display specific "complicated spatial phenomena". This could include information such as population density, per capita income, or even climate levels. Some of these maps also contain what are known as "flow arrows", signifying movement whether it be people or goods.  

  • What are three examples of Thematic Maps?

Air Network Thematic Map

This map shows the air traffic routes for airlines navigating Indian air space. By looking at this map, we are able to see examples of flow arrows that signify the movement of aircraft.

Annual Rainfall Thematic Map

This map of India shows the annual rainfall which is due to the South East Asian climate levels. The rainfall is shown by color which makes is very easy to see which area gets more rain compared to areas which may get a less amount of rain.

2011 Population Thematic Map

In this map, we are able to see the more heavy populated areas compared to the less populated of India. The more populated areas of this map include the major cities. 

All three India map images can all be found at: http://mapsofindia.biz/thematic-map.html#

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